the concept
Case interviews are the core of most recruiting processes at most consultancies. In order to land a job at any of such firms, you need to impress and master the case interview - a type of interview that can seem intimidating at first glance. At this event, Kopenhagen Konsulting and Prokura helped reduce all worries, misconceptions and uncertainties that may exist on doing case interviews. They did so by walking through the very basics of case interviews and breaking down the practise’s core elements, and later illustrated how a real-life case could be solved. The students participating in the event also got to test their newly acquired skills by discussing how to approach the case and which concrete suggestions they would be able to give to the “client”.
A core element of this event was to leave room for consultants and students to engage and thereby mirror a physical event setup to the best volumes possible. This was done by including short exercises in breakout rooms, interactive quizzes, and leaving plenty of room for questions during and after the planned event contents. However, the ultimate goal for us at this event was to give students the necessary tools and confidence to master their next case interview. We hope all participants feel that they did so and feel well-dressed and equipped for embarking on their job interview journey.
We want to thank all attendees and consultants for a great event.