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Ever wondered how sharp the elbows really are in the Management Consulting industry? Have you thought about a career in Management Consulting but are concerned that its a male-dominated area? Or are you just eager to learn more about life as a Management Consultant and the different career paths it can offer?  

  Then join Accenture and CPHMCC for our Women in Consulting event where you will receive an intro to Management Consulting and hear from some of their great female colleagues during a panel discussion. Once they've got you hooked on the idea of Management Consulting, you'll then get some guidance and their best tips & tricks for the recruitment process.  


  • Intro to Management Consulting: What do we do in a day? What does a career path look like? What areas can you work with?  

  • Panel Discussion: Hear from our Accenture consultants with a variety of different backgrounds on their perspectives of a career in consulting, being a woman and their experiences working in different industries  

  • Getting into consulting: Advice and guidance on how to prepare for the dreaded case interview and top tips for bringing your best self throughout the interview process 

  • Networking: Mingle with Accenture’s consultants and the CPHMCC team with snacks and refreshments  


To apply, please submit your grade transcripts, CV and 3 topics or questions you would like addressed during the panel discussion.  

Sounds good? Apply now.

WHEN? November 10th from 17:00 to 20:00
WHERE? Accenture Office, Bohrsgade 35
HOW? Apply by clicking the button below

Application deadline:
3rd November